EMF Toxicity


It’s funny to me that this topic you wanted to hear about comes after the food sensitivities due to the fact that these two topics are the most common ones that people need to crucially be aware of but they also want to be in total denial about worsening their health. And I get it, I love technology and the innovation it brings to this world like being able to FaceTime with someone on the other side of the planet which is something that would have been laughed at a hundred years ago if you told someone that would be possible in the near future. Like food, it brings people together and makes everything so efficient these days. But the question is, at what expense to our health? Well, that’s what this weeks blog will be covering.


These amazing technologies we utilize on a daily basis generate electromagnetic frequency, also known as electromagnetic radiation, which are invisible waves that carry radiant energy. These waves carry information that essentially make the world go round in this day and age. Technology has really changed the way our world operates and as the years go on, people want the latest and greatest. The problem is, with this comes great health risk. Although we are the cream of the crop genetically since we come from ancestors that have survived so many planet hardships, those same ancestors were never exposed to the amount of non-ionizing radiation that we are. Our genes have never been programmed to deal with so much electrical pollution. The only EMFs that our genome is used to and relies upon are the natural ones from the earth, sun and atmosphere. This is because our body works through electrical signals at the cellular level and the frequencies from the sun and earth help regulate this. This is why it often times feels so good in nature or in the ocean because we get a healthy dose of the EMF our body prefers. However, it makes it very challenging to continue to utilize these due to getting drowned out by man-made EMF sources that are everywhere in our environment. We literally live in a never-ending sea of these sources ranging from Wi-Fi, computers, iPads, apple watches, hybrid cars, cell phones, microwaves and the list goes on and on. We are being exposed to this radiation, known as non-ionizing radiation, 24/7. This has been associated with increased insomnia, brain fog, lack of concentration, heart issues, cancer, infertility, irritability, add/adhd, and depression among many other symptoms. Non-ionizing means it is low to medium frequencies, which often times take a cumulative effect before you feel the symptoms and consequences. It is this concept and the fact that the waves are invisible that makes people doubt the harmful effects of this toxin. But just think about it logically. If our body systems, especially the brain and the heart, work off of electrical signals and we have these electrical radiation waves constantly bombarding us, don’t you think this has the ability to change the chemistry of our bodies? Is it a coincidence that heart issues are the number one killer in America? The human heart has to beat 24/7 for years with no breaks and EMF exposure isn’t helping achieve that vital responsibility.




   EMF has been a big issue for over a decade or longer now and it’s only going to get worse with the latest 5G roll out. There is a reason why many countries have decided to ban this technology. But not the US of course, we can’t lose the technology race or else we would be perceived as inferior. This has allowed us to basically be a science experiment just like with vaccinations and also like cigarettes back in the day. I call EMF the modern day smoking. Back in the day doctors recommended different brands of cigarettes to their patients and everybody smoked. If you knew back than what you know today about smoking, would you listen to your doctor and do what everyone else was doing? Exactly. Although I believe EMF is much worse than cigarettes. With cigarettes you could stop and limit your exposure to second hand smoke. This isn’t really the case with EMF, especially with 5G. What 5G means is the waves will be much stronger than the current 4G and also much shorter. This means that the waves can’t travel as far due to carrying more information and this will lead to more antenna towers being put up in our environment. The figures I have read about look like a tower could potentially be places one every two to ten houses.  Do you think that sounds like a good idea?


   Lets take a look at a town called Ripon, California. In this town is an elementary school called Weston Elementary. This school allowed Sprint to place a cell tower on their campus even after parents met this decision with great opposition. The parents brought up the safety concerns for their children while the school said that the Sprint tower passes all of the government testing guidelines of radiation exposure. These guidelines are severely outdated (guidelines haven’t really been updated since 1985…do you think our technology has changed in strength since then?) and remember, if you let the government run your health you will be as healthy as the government. So what happened at Weston elementary after this cell tower was installed? Well four students and three teachers have developed different forms of cancer since 2016 with brain tumors being the most common form. Also 2 preschool ages children who lived close to the school were diagnosed with brain tumors and leukemia. Sprint ended up removing the towers. Interesting to note is that any childhood cancer that I have seen clinically, mainly leukemia, the family lived in close proximity to cell phone towers.


   Often times people wonder if all this man-made EMF toxicity is wreaking so much havoc on our bodies, where are all the research studies on them? The reason you haven’t heard of these studies is for a few reasons. The first one is all the studies are short term and remember these affects are cumulative, not over night. This causes the studies to claim the EMFs are safe. Next, like pharma and vaccine studies, we have to see who is funding these studies and what results they want to get. Big wireless and tech companies are just as big and rich as pharma is. However, there is one study that I really like out of India in 2011 that demonstrated the effects of EMF on honeybees. For ten days they put a cell phone in two separate hives. In one hive, they turned the phone on for ten minutes a day and in the other, they left the phone off the whole time. After ten days, the bees from the hive that the phone was turned on for ten minutes a day never came back to the hive. Bees do not have placebo, they just understand that EMF makes living condition unsuitable. For more about this study and a great one-hour lecture on EMFs, check out “the truth about mobile phones and wireless radiation” by Dr. Devra Davis. She nails it on the head.


   I also want to make it clear that just because you or your children don’t develop cancer from these DNA altering frequency waves, doesn’t mean that it’s not severely affecting your health and contributing to all of your health issues.. Cancers are the extreme cases but everyday issues like irritability, lack of concentration, physical pain, headaches and sleep issues shouldn’t be taken lightly. We can and in most households do sit on electronics all day long. If it’s not the video games, it’s the iPad. And if it’s not the iPad than it’s the cell phone. And if its not the cell phone then it’s the computer or TV. Just having your Internet router on is all that is needed to raise the inflammation levels in your body. I will touch on that in the clinical pearls section.


   So Dr. Charlie, I’m wondering what I can do about this toxin as I sit here on my computer that is connected to my Wi-Fi eating my microwaved food that my apple watch on my wrist told me was done getting heated up which I purchased at the grocery store that I drove too in my electric car while I was talking on my Bluetooth air pods to my family to catch up. Well I’m glad you asked. See one of my favorite sayings about the emotional stress in our lives also pertains to what we can do about this EMF driven world. The saying is you need to CONTROL THE CONTROLLABLES. What do I mean by that? What I mean is that you can’t control something like your neighbors Wi-Fi network that spills over into your space but you can control your immediate environment. You can make your home as much like nature as possible. You can Google the best plants to clean your air and best crystals to help with man-made EMF. My apartment is riddled with both. And something even better than that is the EMF grounding bags in the store on this website. I have those under our bed, my daughters crib, our couch where we watch TV and I even stack them on top of each other on the first floor of our apartment because that way they cover more square footage protection wise. There are also pocket size bags to travel with that can help you when you’re at work or in the car etc. What they do is build a field around you that interferes with EMF frequencies so that they have less of a chance to penetrate your body. Putting them under your bed will give you the best night rest. They sure changed my sleep.


   The next way to control the controllables you might not like hearing but if your serious about your health you will listen. DITCH ALL OF YOUR UNECESSARY ELECTRONICS LIKE YOUR SMART WATCHES AND AIR PODS. That’s why you will never see me using any of that garbage. The pros don’t outweigh the cons my friends. Some people (myself included) put EMF blockers on their electronics like their phone or iPad. There are so many of these products on the market and I am not convinced that they fully protect you but I do it to try to do as much action steps against EMF as possible. There are no brands that I recommend across the board to everyone for those. Opt out of your electric cars! There is enough EMF in standard cars with blue tooth and GPS stuff, you don’t need to increase that by sitting on a huge battery during your daily commutes. Driving those Teslas and hybrids are like riding in a microwave on wheels! I am still trying to find out if Tesla cars shield drivers better than typical hybrids. And I get it if you do it for the environment but if you dig deep enough you will realize that where all those batteries come from still destroy the earth and the chances of developing cancer from them isn’t worth it in my book. Also, stop using your microwave. I haven’t used a microwave in almost a decade. My apartment doesn’t even have one. Heat up your food on the stove in a non-toxic pan. Nuking your food in the microwave depletes all its nutrients and makes you eat radiated food. Just stop it, please. And if you have a smart meter on your house or apartment, get that removed ASAP. It will cost you $10 more per month on your electric bill but if you think that’s expensive, you haven’t priced out the cost of cancer lately. Those meters send the electric company a signal every 5-10 seconds about what you’re using in your homes and that signal generates some of the most intense EMF possible. And that happens 6-12 times per minute everyday!


   Piggy backing on controlling the electronics in your homes, make sure when you go to sleep you turn off your routers (the best would be to get fiber optic hardwired into your home…it’s the fastest internet speeds available and has the least amount of EMF) and put your phones on airplane mode so that you reduce that exposure while you sleep. Make sure that when you are home, you never keep your phones in your pockets or your laptops in your laps. This destroys your reproductive organs. Also, what helps tremendously is grounding. Make it a daily routine. What I mean by that is for 30 minutes per day go outside and put your bare feet on the earth. This can be the sand at the beach or grass in your front yard. The earth helps strip out all of the man made EMF in your body since your body collects it.


There are also supplements that are essential to use on a daily basis to protect us as best we can. First and foremost is IODINE! Iodine is what they used at Chernobyl when the reactors exploded way back when. It is extremely protective against all forms of radiation. There are a couple sources in the store on my website. The first is from Supreme Nutrition called Alaria supreme. It is a wonderful source of minerals like iodine. And the other is from Vervita called Regenerzyme Thyroid. It is a formulation for the thyroid because the thyroid is dependent on iodine to work properly. Besides the thyroid, the ovaries and testes are the second most iodine dependent organs in the body. This is one of the main connections between EMF radiation and infertility. Iodine is found in shell fish (which are unhealthy bottom feeders so I suggest just supplementing with it).


   The next supplements I use for EMF exposure is mainly Rosemary Supreme and Bodyguard Supreme. Rosemary is probably my favorite nutrient to combat EMF after iodine and Bodyguard Supreme seems to muscle test really well when I test my patients on the EMF sources I use in clinic. Rosemary can also be used in an essential oil form and for that I use Vervita Heart Harmony, but my favorite essential oil for EMF is Vervita Sore to Soar…it’s high in frankincense, another great oil to protect you from EMF toxicity. The last nutrient that is phenomenal at combating EMF is molecular hydrogen. I don’t have it in the store of this website but if you are interested in trying that, reach out to me and I will show you how to obtain it. Molecular hydrogen will be one of the best supplements in the future, a household name like vitamin C in my opinion.


Clinical pearls:

   #1. EMF depletes vitamin B6. B6 is used for many processes in our bodies but two of the main ones are it helps produce glutathione and melatonin. Glutathione is our body’s master anti-oxidant that helps the body, mainly the liver, process out toxins while melatonin regulates our sleep cycle. So reduced level of these interfere with our body’s main defense mechanism and our sleep, which lead to massive amounts of stress and inflammation in our body. And remember, inflammation is the common denominator in EVERY DISEASE. B6 is also how we get rid of toxic estrogen overload in our body (hormone blog is next week).


#2 The bacteria in our gut is EMF sensitive. This means that they can be killed and or shifted in a negative way by these signals. That’s a big no no because our gut micro biome is probably the single most important factor in our health. All disease starts in the gut.


#3 One way that you can tell if you are Iodine deficient is if you wake up in the mornings with “crusties” in your eyes. Although you don’t have to have those to be iodine deficient. The best way to test is by doing an iodine patch test. Grab some topical iodine at your local pharmacy and put some on your skin. The more iodine deficient you are the faster it will be absorbed into your skin. You should still see the mark 24 hours later. If it doesn’t last that long then you are deficient.


#4 Our brain wave frequency rages from 0.5-35 hz per second depending on what state we are in like sleep, concentrating, anxiety etc. 5g functions from 28,000,000,000 hz per second and 39,000,000,000 hz per second. If waves at that speed are constantly in contact with our brain waves, is it so hard to see how easy it is for this to cause us anxiety, depression and mood swings? Remember, our DNA has never been exposed to this high of waves in the history of human kind and the waves are a billion times stronger than what our brains function at.

#5 The people who react the worst to EMF are the people filled with the most heavy metals (blog in the future about this topic). The metals turn people into living antennas. These folks can get some pretty nasty symptoms being in places like the apple store or a hybrid car.


#6 One way to measure EMF signals from your electronics is by purchasing a TriField EMF meter model TF2. You can purchase this online and it will show you which devices you are using generate the most EMF.


In conclusion, I really believe that controlling the foods we eat and our immediate environment of these EMF sources are the two biggest things we can do for our health personally. And I know most people who don’t want to change their efficient high-tech cool lifestyle will say this is all conspiracy and not care until the damage has been done. Well ask yourself this question. If these EMF waves are that toxic, wouldn’t big wireless tell us? Well, wireless companies warn their shareholders of this potential future risk related to radiofrequency radiation exposure but they do not warn the users of these products, nor do they warn the people exposed to emissions from their products and infrastructure. These corporate investor warnings by companies such as  AT&T, Verizon, Vodaphone and Crown Castle  are contained in their Annual Reports filed on Form 10-K (or Form 20-F or 40-F for foreign companies) with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and they clearly inform shareholders that companies may incur significant financial losses related to electromagnetic fields. Safety is not assured. So why are they not telling us users about what they know? For the same reason pharma leads people to think that vaccines and pharmaceuticals are harmless….they only care about creating customers and money makes this world go round.


Here’s what some wireless companies say on the subject:

Verizon Wireless :

            “Our wireless business faces personal injury and consumer class action lawsuits relating to alleged health effects of wireless phones or radio frequency transmitters.” “We may incur significant expenses in defending these lawsuits. In addition, we may be required to pay significant awards or settlements.” AT&T and T-Mobile made similar statements including mention of cell tower health risks.

American Tower Corporation:

            “If a scientific study or court decision resulted in a finding that radio frequency emissions pose health risks to consumers, it could negatively impact the market for wireless services, as well as our tenants, which could materially and adversely affect our business, results of operations or financial condition. We do not maintain any significant insurance with respect to these matters.”

So can we get health insurance for EMF? U.S. Mobile operators have been unable to get insurance to cover liabilities related to damages from long-term exposure to radiofrequency (EMF) emissions for over a decade. In fact, Insurers rank 5G and electromagnetic radiation as a “high” risk, comparing the issue to lead and asbestos. A 2019 Report by Swiss Re Institute, a world leading provider of insurance, classifies 5G mobile networks as a “high”, “off-the-leash” risk stating, “Existing concerns regarding potential negative health effects from electromagnetic fields (EMF) are only likely to increase. An uptick in liability claims could be a potential long-term consequence” and “[a]s the biological effects of EMF in general and 5G in particular are still being debated, potential claims for health impairments may come with a long latency.”

Makes you think huh?


This is the way,

   Dr. Charlie



Bonus section:

            By request, people have asked about food replacements after reading last week’s blog. I will do my best

 #1 Caffeine

            This is a tough one. For energy, I recommend trying the basics. Get on a good B vitamin like Vervita Inspiracell since B’s help you produce energy. Also, you will be surprised on how much energy you will have if you drink ½ your body weight or more in water daily. Everyone is dehydrated and that causes low energy. And decaf coffee still has some immune sensitive agents in it and is also riddled with fluoride often times. If it’s the warm drink you desire, do hot water with lemon and ginger. Energy crashes are due to blood sugar dysregulation, so cut out the carbs and up the protein and fat. If you’re talking about chocolate, try carob instead.

 #2 Gluten

            Just eat gluten free. Eat a paleo/ketogenic like diet. Often times gluten free stuff like gluten free bread is made with other allergens like corn, which doesn’t make it any healthier. Starchy carbs like bread and gluten free bread is still a bunch of sugar. Eat a diet high in fresh whole foods, not grains.

 #3 Dairy

            Try nut based or coconut based alternative to dairy. Just make sure you are not sensitive to coconut or the nut used like cashews because we can still be sensitive to foods that I didn’t list in the blog. Like for example, I come up sensitive to almonds often. So I stay away from almond based stuff as well. This is why it is crucial to go to a doc like me who can muscle test you for your sensitivities or do a blood test through a functional immunology laboratory to identify them. The problem with nut alternative is nuts are high in lectins which can be an issue for many people (I’ll probably do a blog on that in the future). Ghee is another option that can replace butter.

 #4 Eggs

            For eating them as is, I don’t know a great substitute, but for baking with them you can substitute chia seeds with water in place of.

 #5 Corn

            No clue.

 #6 Oats,

            Substitute with buckwheat, quinoa or something like amaranth (beware of lectins)

 #7 Soy

            Coconut aminos is the alternative we use. They taste so good.

 #8 peanut

            Choose a different nut that you are not sensitive too and hope that you are not lectin sensitive.


#9 Nightshades

            Replace potato with sweet potato or my favorite, Japanese/Oriental sweet potato. For the rest of the nightshade family, you will just have to pick different veggies.


 What I suggest is getting a paleo cookbook. They will give you great recipes since thinking up new things is always the hardest. However, the diet still contain some of these common allergens above so if the recipe calls for them, Google that ingredients alternatives or use what I listed above. At the end of the day, we should be consuming good sourced animal and some fish protein along with veggies (besides the ones listed above) and fruit in between your meals if you like fruit. I don’t really care for fruit so I do more protein or fat snacks between meals like jerky and avocado. That’s the basics of eating healthy. I hope this helps.




Food Sensitivities