Hello from Dr. Charlie

Welp, here goes nothing. This blog has been a long time coming and I finally decided to take action. It has been suggested to me over and over again to do a podcast or a YouTube channel and they have never resonated with me. You would think that making videos of myself would be the route that I would prefer to take since I have gone across the country speaking in front of lay people and other doctors countless times. Sometimes it has been in front of hundreds of people and other times just a handful. I never thought that public speaking would be something that I would get into but I basically fell into it. Most likely because the world as I like to say is drowning in information and at the same time starving for knowledge so people like to listen to people with unique takes on subjects. In my case, that subject is health and wellness. If you give me a microphone, a stage and a group of open-minded people, I can pretty much talk for hours. I have been known to go on many rants when I speak because when I speak about my passion, it’s like I go into another consciousness. When you are around me in a small group setting like at a restaurant or some type of hang out, I am very introverted and am a person of few words. But when there are 500 people sitting in front of me and the mic is mine for an hour to talk about what I think people need to hear, you would think I am a different person. Funny how that works out but it is what it is. 

Anyways, I figured that I should take the next steps in getting the information in my head out to the world and to whomever could benefit from it. I came up with the idea of a health blog for a few reasons. One is after I contributed to my first book on health (can be found in the store on this website), Autism Reimagined, I realized that I enjoyed writing. When I went back and re-read the 50 pages I had written in the book, I often times got goosebumps. Now some would say that was because my writing is powerful (my high school English teacher would maybe disagree ha!) but I took it as a sign that it’s something I should be doing more of. I do recommend reading that book, especially my section on why children are sicker than ever in the most medically advanced society in history, because it goes over some very important history of medicine and causes of health issues in our world in an easy to digest way. This blog will heavily build on the health topics I discuss there. And the second reason I was drawn to do this blog was because it will be a space for me to speak freely. I get to say whatever I want whenever I want. This will not be edited or censored. Two very common themes in medicine and our world in general today when people talk about truth. I will also tell you this. This blog will be RAW. I am not good at sugar coating information. I am blunt and truthful. I think my patients really appreciate that about me, I know I do when someone is teaching or treating me. I want the cold hard truth because at the end of the day, the truth will set you free.  One of my favorite quotes that I live by and especially how I practice medicine is don’t change so people like you, be yourself and the right people will love you. And that’s what this blog will show. Your either going to love it or it won’t be the right place for you. And that’s okay. I will love you where you’re at no matter what. Also, you will read things in this blog that will expand your mind like never before and often times make you realize that “common medical beliefs” are just that, common but not normal. The posts will function as your wakeup call and I will be honored to be the doc who accomplished that for you.

One thing that I should note is that this blog isn’t going to be written like I’m a scholar. I might make grammatical errors etc. but that is not the point of this blog so I’m warning you head of time. And if you’re looking for me to attach every research article to the end of my blog posts, you’re in the wrong place. I appreciate research just as much as the next person but this blog will be all from my personal clinical experience. Research is flawed due to who’s funding it and what result they want to achieve more times than not. I’m not saying that there isn’t great research out there but it’s sad to say that it is not the gold standard in my book. If research was the gold standard than the majority of patients I see would have gotten better before seeing me because all the research backed therapies they have tried would have worked. I’m here to tell you that I have personally seen research backed therapies make people worse and therapies that have been labeled as quackery perform miracles for people. Now I have also seen researched backed therapies work miracles so it’s not as black and white as one may think but you should know that researched backed does not equate to works clinically. I am sure I will touch on this and other similar topics in many blogs to follow

Lastly, in this first blog post, I wanted to foreshadow how it will work. I try to do a blog post every Friday. This way you can look forward to a nice blog from me to start your weekend or you will dread it, the choice is yours ☺. However, if my writing is anything like my rants are, some of these blog posts might be sweet but not short. Time will tell. I should also mention that on top of clinical pearls, I LOVE quotes and analogies so the blog posts will be riddled with them. I hope you like those too or else you might get annoyed every Friday lol!

So, without further ado, I thank you in advance for your participation in submitting health topics and for your love and support. I look forward to serving you in your health journey and if I can ever help in any way, shape or form please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I will respond back to you as soon as I can in between seeing over 100 patient visits per week and raising our 1 year old with my wife!

Much love always,

Dr. Charlie


Muscle Testing